Author Archives

Linked User Feedback

Linked User Feedback (LUF) is a prototype I led while in iSOCO, as part of our work on the SOA4All project. The LUF service is basically a RESTful API that permits publishing and retrieving user-generated feedback in the forms of ratings, comments and tags. This information is semantically stored in an RDF repository following the Review […]

miKrow, project at iSOCO

Now that I have just left iSOCO (and joined Playence), I thought it was a good opportunity to describe in this blog a couple of the interesting projects I was involved while in there. miKrow is an innovation prototype where we applied the microblogging approach to knowledge management. There’s plenty of information in so I won’t […]

Participation in the Trans Trash project

Once again, we’ve had the opportunity to work with our cousin @numeroteca, in another collaboration with Basurama in the context of their Trans Trash project (“Understanding waste streams”) and exhibition. As he says, it’s great that our work has been displayed no less than at MIT! In particular, we’ve helped out in the Trash-o-meter tool (“How much […]

Participation in the 6000km exhibition

In yet another collaboration between Meipi and Basurama (remember Spermola), we are glad to have participated in our way in the 6000km project, which uses meipi to geolocate the panoramic photographs taken to document “the huge extensions of territory consumption of the large cities in Spain”, and “the uncontrolled growth of cities and the consumption […]

2010 recap

Happy new year everyone! Just a quick post (and not four, like last year;) to sum up what we’ve been working at during 2010. Basically, we’ve kept working around the three big projects we had already running –meipi, tusiyu and tubegraph– and also played with new focused experiments. 🙂 MEIPI: During 2010, new interesting meipis […]

Twitt… Quién? (Twitt… Who?)

[English version below] “Twitt… Quién?” es una extensión para Google Chrome que busca usuarios de twitter en las páginas visitadas y muestra información sobre ellos: “Twitt… Quién?” se puede descargar aquí. La idea es enriquecer la navegación habitual, proporcionando -no intrusivamente, en un panel desplegable- información básica de los usuarios de twitter que aparezcan en cualquier página. […]

A Linked Data Movie Quiz: “The answers are out there; and so are the questions”

Motivation We are increasingly dealing with Linked Data, witnessing how Internet is turning into a Web of Data, a huge DataBase with very different sets of data linked together and available online. We thought we could use this information not only to find answers, but also to automatically generate questions… for a quiz that could […]

2009 recap (4/4): Other stuff

We finally conclude with the fourth post about what went on for us during 2009: Tusiyu Meipi Tubegraph other stuff iWeekend has meant a lot for us during this 2009, as we had the chance to attend three of them, and each of those in a different manner. It all began of course in January […]

2009 recap (3/4): Tubegraph

We continue with our third post about where we were involved in 2009: Tusiyu Meipi Tubegraph other stuff Tubegraph We created Tubegraph as an experiment for dynamically rating videos at the end of 2008, following a contest in a Google Pizza Night event. The beginning of 2009 was very promising for this project, as we […]

2009 recap (2/4): Meipi

This is the second post of our 2009 recap, where we are talking about: Tusiyu Meipi Tubegraph (coming soon) other stuff  (coming soon) Meipi is the collaborative mapping project we’ve been working at with four other meipis (Dome aka @urbanohumano, Alfonso, Pablo and Francesco aka @immaginoteca) since 2007. The purpose of the tool is permit […]

2009 recap (1/4): Tusiyu

With 2009 just over (well, kind of;-), we thought this was a good moment to write something about the projects we are involved in (in addition to Jorge’s work at Buongiorno and Guillermo’s at iSOCO) and what happened during the past year. So this is the first of four posts about: Tusiyu Meipi (coming soon) […]
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